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Oh, the novelty!

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Wonderful late 50's Parisian Novelty print dress by l'aignon. Sold.
Vintage Travel themed novelty print purse. Sold.

1950's Fox Hunt novelty print skirt. I LOVE this...98.

1960's silk blouse by Vera, 85.
1950's Beer Steins and Butterfiles/Dominos and Darts themed skirt. Waist 27", 89.

Mischievous Veggie Skirt fron the 50's. Sold.

1960's Cigarettes and matches ladies blouse. For REAL. Sold.

Wonderful 1940's rayon apple print dress, size 13-14(by modern standards) Available for 148.

50's Ballet dancers featuring men in tights! Sold.
Totally bizarre 40's stick figures and houses print.
1950's Gold Digger novelty print with pick axes and pans....
Available at Xtabay for 125. Waist 26".
Nothing makes me happier than a good novelty print. Well....almost nothing, Skinny Cow ice cream cups make me pretty happy but that doesn't have anything to do with vintage clothing. I've gathered pictures of some of the great novelty print items we've had this year. Some are even still available!
Aren't they just the cutest things you've ever seen?

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