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Sector 13 SJS Judges

The Special Judicial Squad, the SJS, are an elite within Justice Department. They have to be for the perps they have to deal with are the most dangerous of all – rogue Judges! Those who  have been recruited into the SJS gain the responsibility for keeping tabs on their fellow Judges. No one is safe from scrutiny, not even Joe Dredd. They might help administer Random Physical Abuse Tests and try to break a Judge in a variety of ways. If there is evidence of a bad apple in the ranks it is almost always the SJS who perform any investigation. They will gather the evidence and if the suspect is guilty they will be sent to the most isolated and harsh prison available – the Titan penal colony.
These are my SJS Judges who are either assigned to Sector House 13 or who will have an impact on my campaign.
At the far left is Terence D'Spatch, an alert human SJS Judge who wears a Hitler moustache to provoke a response, good or bad. A long term SJS Judge, Terence D'Spatch has recently been summoned by Sector Chief John Barker of Sector 190 to investigate the mysterious disappearance of three Street Judges over the past two months. Their bodies have not been found, suggesting they may have "flipped" (turned renegade). D'Spatch has found no direct evidence of judicial malpractice in the missing Judge's personal logs and he is certain that the disappearances are linked to the perp-running operations over the West Wall, though he is not sure exactly how they are related. D'Spatch suspects at least one other Judge knows the details behind the disappearances, but he is not talking - for now. Aged 41, he is rank grade 10 with a 7d6 dice pool.

Next up is Daniel Fincher an alert human SJS Judge who does not have a sense of humour. Having passed as a rookie specialising in Applied Violence and Combat Range, Daniel Fincher was accepted as a Street Judge. He enjoyed his three years on patrol very much but felt he could serve the Justice Department much better elsewhere. He applied for a move to the Special Justice Squad and was accepted. Rooting out corruption within the Justice Department gave him a true sense of purpose. He certainly lives up to the standard view of an SJS Judge - dogged, implacable, intimidating and with no sense of humour. He was assigned to Sector 13, where he works under the direct command of SJS Judge Paula Patton. He is 35 years old and rank grade 8 with a 7d6 dice pool.
Third in line is Paula Patton an alert human SJS Judge who despises corruption in all its forms. Paula Patton is a highly successful Judge in the Special Judicial Squad.  When she first joined the Academy of Law she believed that a long career as a Street Judge awaited her. She spent seven years pounding the mean streets of Mega City One as a highly effective Street Judge before specialising as an Interrogator Judge. Despite being very proficient in this role she preferred life on the streets, investigating crimes. However, her life turned around after three years in this role when she was head-hunted by the SJS. They offered her a new role as one of the Judges who investigate potentially corrupt Judges. She has excelled in this new posting and is a rising star in the SJS. She was assigned to Sector 13 and was duly promoted to command the SJS team stationed there after just one tour of duty. Aged 44, Paula is rank grade 11 with an 8d6 dice pool.

Last in line is Arlo Sharp, an empathic human SJS Judge who always looks for the worst in people. When Arlo Sharp enrolled as a Rookie Judge he developed a knack for pistol shooting and honed his skills with two years in the Combat Range school. Inevitably, he was accepted as a Street Judge and was assigned to Sector 99. It was here that his skill at interrogating perps had such a high success rate he was assigned as a specialist Interrogator Judge . The Special Justice Squad noted his performance and offered him a posting in their department. He happily accepted and has not once regretted his decision. He was reassigned to Sector 13 in Central Mega City One working under the command of SJS Judge Paula Patton, whom he has the utmost respect for. They have much in common and work well together.in common and work well together. He is aged 40 and rank grade 9 with a 7d6 dice pool.

Each Sector House usually have two or three SJS Judges assigned to them to ensure any investigation can have local assistance. Others form task forces to root out the most cunning of the rogues.  One thing uniting most SJS Judges is their belief that the worst criminal offenders are those who disgrace the badge. There is no obstacle they will not overcome to bring the worst of the worst down. Who watches the watchers? They do!
SJS Judge D'Spatch was produced by Wargames Foundry and the other three figures by Warlord Games. All are no longer in production. Hopefully they will not see much use in my campaign but further in the future I have big plans for them.

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