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M.May's Birthday Beauty Giveaway!

Hey dolls!

Yeap you read right! I'm having a giveaway!

Yesterday was my birthday and I decided to throw a little celebration in the virtual world!

I'm giving away 9 nail polishes, 5 lip products and 2 eye products (the MaxFactor eye kit contains other products inside)!

When I first tried a Revlon scented nail polish, it literally blew my mind! I instantly fell in love and I thought I'd share the love as well.

The giveaway closes on the 16th June, as that's a special date as well. More information on that after the giveaway closes!

** 17 June Update - Congratulations Jelaine! I've sent out an email and I hope to hear form you soon! **

I hope you'll enjoy this giveaway!

Do remember to drop a comment below! I'd love to hear from you!

Cheers lovelies!!

♡ ♡ 


p.s. If you'd like to add this giveaway to your blog's sidebar, here's the button:

M.May's Birthday Beauty Giveaway!

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