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Dick Parlors

I'm collecting a list of Dick Parlors. I was in the Dick Parlor known as The Corner Bakery ironically on the corner of Bakery St., no, corner of Wacker & Randolph, my bad, no irony. Corner Bakery, that's so lame. It's so..., like "Country Kitchen," or "Cracker Barrell" or "Pa's Whittlin' Hole." Corner Bakery.

Anyway, the point is, I went into there twice in a week and the people in there are dicks! It's a Dick Parlor. Now, of course you'll walk into a place and have the guy helping you be a dick, but maybe the people around that dick are smiling or talking to one another, so it's just one dick, not a dick parlor. This was a Dick Parlor. Just everybody was a dick, BOTH DAYS, DOUBLE-BLIND. Actually I'm not sure that's what double-blind means, and is it double-blind or double-bind?

So then I got into the Post Office in the Thompson center two times in a week and realized, THAT's a Dick Parlor too! Everybody, no matter who's working, total dick.

So I'm starting a list of Dick Parlors, feel free to list them below and I'll post that a new Dick Parlor has been discovered and warn all of Otisburg through our public address system, this blog.

The Ed Debevic's, The Weiner's Circle and every Potbelly's don't count. Debevics is doing a bit, The Weiner Circle may be doing a bit but nobody cares, and Potbelly's, well is that a bit? You ever walk into a place where everyone's really shitty and you think "Are they doing the Ed Debevics bit or are they just assholes?"


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