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5 modern movies for Halloween

Halloween is coming this week and while i'm not too keen on celebrating it, mainly because when i was a child there was no Halloween here and i'm bitter, i always like movie marathons or Halloween specials in tv shows.

Anyway, as there are always tons of lists of classic horror movies ('The Shinning', 'The Chainsaw Massacre, etc)  i'm making my very own top 5 scary movies that are kinda new or from the past few years. I know there are a lot of other horror movies that are really great and amazing, but these are the ones i liked best. So, enjoy these recommendations and get frightened. Don't be scared, there are no spoilers!

It Follows (2014)
I haven't talked about 'It Follows' here even though i watched it some time ago and it was brilliant. This movie evokes scary movies of the 80s, like good old terror movies back then but that's not the only great thing of the movie. This film it's really scary, it maintains the tension throughout the whole movie and the plot is really something you don't see coming, just like everything else that happens. I can't recommend this movie more and i'm telling you it's gonna be among the best films of the Things that mattered in 2015 at the end of the year for sure.

The Visit (2015)
Now this was a surprise. I wasn't expecting much of this film because I haven't liked a single Shyamalan movie ever since 'The Sixth Sense' (1999), and even though it's not as good and brilliant as that movie, 'The Visit' was a step in the right direction. While some have liked it and many have detest it, i liked the contrast between comedy and horror that the movie had. Sure some things are silly and laughable but when it gets scary it gets reaaally scary. Watch this just like me, without expecting too much because less is more and this movie is entertaining and it frightens you a bit but this is pretty much it.

Under the Skin (2013)
I have already talked about this film and while i adored it, it's not a movie for everyone. It might be one of the weirdest movies you will ever see and if you can get through it and watch the whole thing, it will really scare you but in a deeper sense. Only by listening to the soundtrack it will give you chills and the ending will haunt you for days. As i said, i've recommended this film before to some friends and they haven't watched more than 5 minutes of it, so keep that in mind, but if you start watching and get intrigued, you're gonna love it.

The Green Inferno (2013)
Now this movie is scary because it's hard to watch, some say it's soft gore but for me it was heavy loaded stuff to see. But really disgusting, over the edge, horrid stuff to watch, no joke. Still, despite it might seem like a torture to watch, it will keep you in tension the whole time. I liked it because of that, because it keeps you guessing and it's like a car crash you cannot take your eyes off from watching. Anyway, you've been warned, watch at your very own risk.

The Others (2001)
Alejandro Amenábar's film is already a classic for me. The movie is so well done, the acting, the script, the directing, everything is on point and the result is so good. This might contain Nicole Kidman's best acting to date, before she ruined her face with botox (she was still great in 'Birth' despite that), and the rest of the cast is equally brilliant. The only bad thing i can say about it is that maybe the twist at the end is something we've seen before in another film but still you don't see it coming and fits perfectly the whole plot. A modern terror classic as i've said.

So, what other movies from the past few years you find scary?

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