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Resolute Beauty Blogger August 2014

Hi Ladies!  Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from Glossy Glam Blog teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action. 

Here are my goals and updates on each:
Gain a larger following- I am continuing to grow my following. Slowly but surely. Some people may be unsatisfied with the growth but I am perfectly fine with it. I work all day long so constantly trying to find ways to gain a larger following is just unrealistic. However, I have my one year giveaway coming up which I'm sure will increase my followers.

Continue to collaborate with other beauty bloggers-Last month I did the Beach Bum to Boardwalk Babe collab with a few other beauty bloggers. You can check that out HERE. I also have one in the works.

Learn more about the beauty blogger world-I am learning ALOT! I have had some GREAT opportunities come up. I would like to give a special thanks to Cyndi from Cdel Beauty . She has given me so much advice, help, and encouragement in terms of blogging. She has been a great friend and I can't thank her enough. Another great friend I would like to thank is El from The Beauty Isle. She has encouraged me to step outside of my shell and attend some local blogger events. I will be attending two blogging events this month with her. I can't wait to share my experience with all of you!

Participate in a No Buy and Tags-I haven't attempted another no buy but I probably should...lol I did however do the Closet Confidential tag recently. Thanks to Nelly for tagging me. You can check out my post HERE.

Try to do more fashion related posts-I have some more in the works and plan to get a "Get the Look for Less" post finished and posted in September.

Try to use Instagram and Twitter more often-Still failing at Twitter..ugh

Try out more drugstore brand products-I have so many products on my wish list including some L'Oreal Infaillable Eyeshadows and some foundations. I recently purchased the L'Oreal Silkissime Liners as well.

***Side note: I am getting back on track with keeping notes in my notebook. I am back to creating schedules for posting as well as brainstorming post ideas. I also have a list of posts that I have finished and ones that I am working on.

My Personal Resolutions:

Be more positive and appreciate what I have-I have had a lot to be positive about lately. My sister is having a baby in November and I've been helping plan her shower. That has been a lot of fun. I have a great weekend coming up with my best friend. My husband also just got a new job which is exciting. We have a lot to be thankful for as of lately.

Eat healthier-Trying, maybe not my best effort... but trying!

This is where I am with my goals this month! I hope you enjoyed reading.

-Tanya xoxo

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