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My Jeffrey Campbell Edea hunt

I ventured into town to pick up my beautiful Jeffrey Campbell Edea shoes which I mentioned in my last post however instead of Solestruck I found them on the Harvey Nichols website the other day and they can deliver in store for free. I only just managed to get a pair as they sold out in a lot of the sizes rapidly, seriously like within a couple of hours. I was looking forward to picking them up, when I finally got my hands on them and tried them on they were incredibly comfortable with the hidden wedge inside but sadly a little too big and they didn't have a smaller size in stock. Well except in Manchester but I didn't fancy going there to get some shoes that may or may not fit me. They seem to be like gold dust to find right now. I also decided on getting a credit card  that gives you points as I thought if I'm spending on my card so much then why not collect points and get rewards at the same time? it's been a life saver at times and it feels good to know you get something in return.
Not sure why but they look so boyish in the picture.
 I then went to Starbucks and got my absolute favourite drink, a Caramel frappuccino...I love it when they make it perfectly too. The last time I had one it wasn't very sweet, I asked for them to make it again but it was even worse..icy and not sweet enough. Disappointments!
Lastly whilst waiting for my mum I went to Link's of London and splurged a little, I got a couple of thing's that were actually in the sale.
I will be sharing what I got soon, there seems to be sales everywhere right now...so tempting!

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