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The McQueen Sisters

The McQueen Sisters

In the local paper an ad ran about a gameshow that was going to be taped around the area of Hollyoaks. The ad said that contestants would be chosen from the audience members on the day. It said that big prizes could be won. Michaela McQueen was the first to spot the ad in the paper. She showed it to her sisters and suggested that they take part. All four were up for it. Jacqui called the number in the paper. She told them that they were four sisters and they all would like to attend. The man on the other phone said that this would be great. He read them a disclaimer, which said that if they were chosen they made an agreement to comply. There was also discussion about using their images and so on. They all agreed. The man made it very clear that it was a gameshow where people were chosen out of the audience to compete in games. The winners would get prizes, the losers would have to do a forfeit. He made them fully aware of this. The McQueens were always up for a laugh anyway, so they were willing to risk any forfeit. Mercedes in particular had no inhibitions at all. The way they looked at it, there was a chance to win prizes, maybe money which would be great because they were all pretty scint. They would also get to be on television. Getting their faces on television was something that all four of them were keen on. They decided that all four sisters would attend because it would give them a much better chance to be picked to do one of the games. All in all they were pretty excited about the whole thing. The way they saw it the risk was not that big. The worst that could happen to any of them was doing an embarrassing forfeit on television. Even this was not so bad, because they still would get the chance to be on television. Some of the sisters would be willing to do just about anything to get the chance to be on television.

The day of the show arrived. The girls decided to glam things up. Jacqui wore a tight fitting black dress, cut on one shoulder. Mercedes wore a dress that was red on the bottom, white on the top. Michaela wore a purple dress, cut at the shoulder with a large flower on one shoulder. Carmel wore a pink dress. They all caked on the makeup and spent ages on their hair. They looked like a bunch of tarts or at leash an unsuccessful girl band. They made their way to the studio. There was quite a few people in the studio audience. They headed to the audience area. They tried to push their way in to get seats up close, but there was too many people. It didn’t matter any way because people would be raising their hands and being selected for individual games. The sisters hoped that they would get chosen at some point. The only rule of the show is once you were selected to take part, you could not back out. The McQueen sisters had no intention of backing out anyway. They were pretty much willing to take part in most things that could happen on the show. They were not that worried.

The show started. The presenter came out. He was mildly famous for other moderately successful game shows from the past. They applauded enthusiastically. The host welcomed the contestants and the audience watching at home. He announced that this was the first ever episode of the show. He explained that the contestants would come from the audience for each game. It was a simple concept; there would be a game. The winner would get the prize, the loser would have to take the punishment. Each game had its own prize and its own consequence.

The presenter said that it was time for the first game. He asked the audience if there were any football fans in the house. A lot of the audience raised their hands. The McQueens did not raise their hand for this. They wanted to see how the show worked first, plus they did not like football in the least. The presenter walked the through the audience. He came to a young man. He asked his name and what team he supported. He said that he supported Liverpool. He was invited up to the stage. The host then asked if anyone here supported any other team. More people put their hands down. He walked to the other side of the audience and came to a young lady. He asked her name and what team she supported. She said in a scouse accent, “This won’t be too popular, but Manchester United.” The crowd booed and she laughed. He then invited her to join him on stage. A football goal was then brought out . There was a semi- professional goalie as well. The game was explained. Each would have five shots on goal. The person who made the most goals would get VIP tickets to see their team play. The loser, however, would be facing the pie cannon. The McQueen sisters cheered for this. They fully understood what the game was all about now. The young man got two goals, the young lady did not get any. As the loser, the young lady was lead over to the pie cannon. The young man got the honour of firing the pie cannon at her. In moment the young woman was covered from head to toe in pie filling. The McQueen sisters laughed and applauded. “That’s going to be you,” Jacqui teased. Her sisters. The young woman was then escorted backstage where she could get cleaned up. It was time for a commercial break while the next game was set up.

After the break, the host welcomed everyone back. “Now, for our second game, we need a large family. I think that, that would be good for this one. Any large families in the audience today.” the McQueen’s hands shot up enthusiastically. They waived them around in the air. The host didn’t see them at first. He went to another family, but they did not have the right number of people to take part in the game. He needed a family with even numbers. He walked through the audience and spotted the four sisters shaking their arms feverishly. He walked over to them and spoke to Carmel. “Hello, there what’s your name?,” he asked. “Carmel McQueen,” she responded. “And who do you have with you here today?,” he asked. “It is me and my three sisters here,” she said. “Oh the four ladies?,” he said. “Yeah that’s us.” “Would you four be willing to take part then?” They all responded with an enthusiastic yes. “Ok then ladies come on down,” he said. The four girls smiled and celebrated together that they had been chosen. They stood up, adjusted their skirts and walked down the stairs to the stage, where they were told where to stand.

“Ok, the McQueen sisters. If we can go down the line and you can introduce yourselves. Tell us your name and age.” “I am Carmel. I am 27 years old.” “I’m Jacqui, I’m 32 years old.” “I’m Mercedes. I’m 29 years old.” “And I’m Michaela. I’m 21 years old.” “So ladies, the reason that we wanted even numbers is so there can be two teams. I now would like the you to decide whom your partner will be.” the sisters talked it over together. It would be Michaela and Carmel as a team and Jacqui and Mercedes as the other pair. “Ok, as you may have guessed by now these two teams will be competing against each other. So it will be sisters vs. sisters. Jacqui and Mercedes vs. Carmel and Michaela, This should make things more interesting.” The girls laughed and pointed at each other, each team claiming that they would be the ones who would be winning. It was clear now that two of the McQueen sisters would be getting the chance to get the other two messy.

The game area was then opened. At one side of the stage there was a load of blue and pink balloons. At the others side, there were two containers, one pink one blue. “Ok, ladies, the game is simple. Basically, you have to put as many balloons in your team’s container as you can in 60 seconds. The catch is, you can not use your hands.” The girls pointed and laughed and the audience cheered. This was going to be tougher than it looked, plus everyone other than Michaela had high heels on, which were going to make things even more difficult. “Ok, now, let’s tell the ladies the prize to sweeten the deal. The prize for our game today, for the team that wins will be an all expenses paid holiday to the Bahamas.” The girls eyes wide-eyed. They pumped their fists, ”Yes,” they shouted. “Yes two of you will be going off on a trip of a life time. The other two, well, we will talk about that after the game.” “We’re not losing,” Jacqui said. “The winners are going to get a holiday abroad and get to gunge the losers. Get in there. We have to win. Sorry girls.” “Actually,” Michaela said,” I don’t know what will be better, getting that amazing vacation or pouring gunge and mess all over you two. It is going to be sweet.” “Hey watch it you little cow,” Mercedes said, “ You ain’t going to be gunging me, if I can help it.” “Ok, ok ladies. Things are getting rather competitive here right now. One thing is for sure, someone is going on holiday and someone is going to get messy, but who will it be? Find out after the break.”

During the break the teams were brought into their positions. They did not get any special equipment or anything. They had to do the stunt in their dresses and heels. Mercedes really thought it would be easy, but before too long she would be proven wrong. The host started the show up again. “Welcome back,” he said,” Before the break we met the McQueen sisters. They are in two teams now. In a second they will be feverishly trying to get these balloons from one side of the stage to the other. The team that gets the fewest balloons will be facing the consequences afterwards. Are we ready ladies?” They all responded yes “In that case, your 60 seconds will begin in three, two, one, go.”

All four sisters launched themselves into the balloons. This did not work because al lot of them moved. They soon realized that they would have to fall to the ground to try and get some of the balloons. All four were down on there knees trying to lift balloons with their chins, elbows and anything else that they could think of,. The crowd cheered them on. Mercedes and Jacqui were really struggling. Mercedes was down on the ground, almost rolling around trying to trap the balloons, but they seemed to blow away from her. Her body was contorting on the ground. Jacqui tried to trap a balloon between her ankles and somehow slide it up between her calves to her knees, but that was not working either. Carmel tried to lower her knees onto the balloon and trip it that way. Every time that she tried though, the balloon rolled away. Mercedes was finally able to lift a balloon between her knees, but when she tried to walk with it, the balloon popped. Thirty seconds was already gone and no one had managed to get a balloon yet or get close. Michaela finally managed to trap a balloon with her elbows and lift it up. She ran across the stage and dropped the balloon into the container. She then ran back and did the same again. Jacqui tried to emulate this. She picked up the balloon with her elbows and started to make her way to the other end of the stage. Unfortunately, she was wearing high heels. As a result, when she tried to walk to fast, she tripped and fell over. The balloon floated away. The ground was padded with mats she was fine. The crowd laughed at her. Mercedes and Carmel had not noticed what Michaela had done, They were still rolling around on the floor trying to trap balloons. Mercedes laughed. “I just can’t do this,” she said. The time was now down to ten seconds. Michaela carefully walked a across with the third balloon as Jacqui went back to pick up another. Finally the buzzer sounded and everyone was told to stop. The girls were all pretty winded and sweaty from the competition. They caught their breath and were asked to join the host by the containers.

“Ok that was a great game. It was very competitive. It was very clear that both teams really wanted to win. Let’s hear it for them.” The crowd applauded. “Now it is time to count the balloons. Let’s see. Michaela and Carmel you have.. One…two….three balloons.” The crowd cheered. Michaela and Carmel cheered. “Michaela you did really well there. Any secrets?” “There is a knack to it, plus I have flat shoes on, which didn’t hurt.” “Now Mercedes and Jacqui, let’s see how many you two have.” He looked down at the container the audience laughed. Mercedes placed her hands at her side pointing them outwards. “ Oh well,” she said with smile. “Oh dear, you didn’t get any. What went wrong.” “I don’t know,” Mercedes said,” I just couldn’t do it. It was so much harder than it looks. Jacqui did better than me I think though.” “So our final totals. Michaela and Carmel-3, Mercedes and Jacqui- 0.” Michaela and Carmel celebrated. Mercedes and Jacqui blushed and clapped politely. “So we have our winners. Michaela and Carmel. You know what that means. You get the luxury holiday abroad and, more importantly, you are going to get to carry out our punishment on the two losers over there.” Michaela and Carmel clapped and hugged each other, jumping up and down. Mercedes and Jacqui looked at each other, blushing. “Oh my god,” Mercedes said to her sister. They buried their faces in their hands laughing. “This is going to be amazing. We are going to nail them good,” Michaela said. “Do you two have any reservations at all about doing this to your own sisters. “No, not at all, we’re going to make it as messy as possible.” Jacqui and Mercedes stood side by side looking at each other nervously. “So Jacqui and Mercedes,” the host said,” How are you feeling. You guys lost fair and square and now it is time to pay the consequences.” “They kicked our arses!,” Mercedes said, “They deserved to win really. I just wish we would have won, but it all went wrong didn’t it. It’s going to be really embarrassing, but what can I say. We knew what we were getting into form the beginning.” “I want that holiday,” Jacqui said,” I can’t believe those bitches beat us. Well done though, really, congratulations.” “So, we are about ready for punishment time for Jacqui and Mercedes here. Stay tuned after the break to see these two get what is coming to them,” the host said.

The show returned after the break with a close up of Mercedes and Jacqui talking, smiling and waiving to the camera. “Ok, everyone it is time for the moment that we have all been waiting for. It’s time to get messy.” Everyone cheered. Michaela and Carmen clapped and cheered as well. “Are you two ready?,” he asked Mercedes and Jacqui. “Actually, I don’t really want my dress ruined. It was very pricey,” Mercedes said. “Actually that is great idea Mercedes,” he replied. She looked at him, not quite knowing what he meant. “How about as part of the punishment, Jacqui and Mercedes have to remove their dresses.” Everyone clapped in the affirmative. Jacqui and Mercedes gave an annoyed glare. They looked at each other and then at the ground, blushing. “You had to pen your big mouth,” Jacqui said. The crowd started to chant,” Take it off, take it off.” Carmel and Michaela joined in, pumping their fists. Jacqui and Mercedes were made to step forward. They stood together side by side and slowly slipped their dresses down from their bodies. Down their chests and stomachs to their waists and then down their legs to their ankles. They lifted their dresses and gave them over to their sisters for safe keeping. Mercedes flipped her hair. She now stood with her sister on the stage wearing just their underwear. They wore black bras and panties. Mercedes was not ashamed to show herself off. She winked and blew kisses to some of the men in the audience. Her tanned, taught body was site to behold. Her black undergarments barely holding in her enormous breasts and shapely posterior. Jacqui looked just as good, although she made a bit more of an effort to cover up her modesty. Her body did not look like it had an ounce of fat on it. She was not as curvy or well built as her sister but her body was still gorgeous. Jacqui was a real moody cow, but even she could not resist the humour of the situation that she was in. She shook her head in disbelieve and laughed. She could not believe this was happening. “Looking good, Jack,” Carmel yelled out. Jacqui pointed at her and told her not to laugh.

Two plastic garden chairs were set up in the centre of the stage. Jacqui and Mercedes were lead to the chairs and ordered to sit down. The two half naked sisters sat side by side wondering what fait awaited them. Michaela and Carmel were then brought over. “Now, if you two can chose a partner for the next part and stand across from them,” the host said. It was plain to see that they had to choose wish of their sisters each would be dishing the punishment out on. Michaela and Carmel conferred together for a second and then chose. “I’ll take Jacqui,” Carmel said. She went and stood across from Jacqui. Michaela then took her spot across from Mercedes. “Ok Michaela will get to mess Mercedes and Carmel will be messing Jacqui. You will be partners for the rest of the evening. Now I think that we are ready to get started. Jacqui and Mercedes have lost and now they have to pay the consequences. It is time for part one.”

Two of the host’s assistants now came out, each carried a large fire hose. “These are what we call the gunge hoses ladies. When they are turned on, they will spray gunge and foamy mess onto whoever the hose nozzle is aimed at. And we have one for Carmel and one for Michaela.” Each was handed one of the hoses. Mercedes and Jacqui begged them off. The assistants then went to the end of the stage and, at the host’s command turned the hoses on. Jacqui and Mercedes suddenly realized what was about to hit them. They begged their sisters not to do this to them, waiving their hands feverishly. Michaela and Carmel just laughed at them. The hoses were then switched on. The girls aimed their respective hoses at their sisters. The hoses went on and the force almost blew Michaela and Carmel backwards. The foamy white gunge flew from the hose into Mercedes face and into Jacqui’s stomach. They screamed as the mess it them, melting down them. They struggled to stay in their seats as their sisters sprayed them. Michaela and Carmel then got a better handle on the hoses. They realized how they could direct the flow better. They moved the aim of the nozzles up and down their sisters bodies. They showered them in the mess, as if they were washing a car or cleaning an elephant. They moved the hoses about so the messy slop did not miss a spot of their sisters bodies. Mercedes and Jacqui laughed and screamed, almost cuddling each other as the foamy gunge was sprayed all over their bodies. Michaela and Carmel did not let up at all. They sprayed their sisters, legs, breasts, panties, bras, stomachs and faces with the creamy mess. White runny gunge poured over them both. The hoses then finally ran to a halt, when they were emptied. Jacqui and Mercedes were left plastered in the foamy goo from head to toe. Mercedes lifted her leg and nearly fell over. Jacqui crossed her arms, she did not look very impressed. The two had been showered in the mess. It slowly ran down their sweaty bodies. They could only guess at what was going to happen to them next. The embarrassment level for these two was already off the charts and there was going to be much more to come for them.

Next, Michaela and Carmel were presented with two buckets of thick gunge. One was light purple, one was light blue. Michaela chose the light blue for Mercedes. Jacqui would get the light purple gunge. This was the moment that they had really waited for. This was going to be the moment when they were going to actually get to pour the gunge over their sisters heads. Mercedes took her fingers and moved her fringe from her face. She licked her teeth with her tongue. Jacqui squeezed up her face and tried ordering Carmel not to go through with it, pointing at her. “You wouldn’t dare,” Jacqui said. “Please don’t gunge us,” Mercedes begged in her northern accent. “Sorry Jack,” Carmel said. Michaela gave an evil cackle and told everyone how much she was going to enjoy this. Michaela and Carmel came forward with their buckets. The crowd was now cheering them on and chanting “Gunge them, Gunge them.” Mercedes and Jacqui closed their eyes as their sisters lifted their respective buckets up. The audience still chanting to see the gunge. The girls closed their eyes and shrieked as the gunge fell from the buckets and on to their scantily clad bodies. The gunge poured down Jacqui’s face and then down her body in a shower of gunge that left her dripping in the sloppy mess all over. The gunge poured down the sides of Mercedes face, all over her dark hair. It then moved forward down her face. The gunge was thick and smooth. It covered her hair and began to pour down her amazing body. Gunge poured down onto Mercedes’ ample breasts, coating them in the coloured glop. Mercedes could not help but enjoy the feeling of cool smooth gunge on hot, sweaty skin. It poured onto her stomach generously and then all over her backside and legs, soaking her underwear. She laughed and shivered as it poured on her. It gave her shivers down her spine. Gunge dripped from the end of Jacqui’s pointy nose. She stuck her tongue out in a look of disgust. Michaela and Carmel finished with the gunge and tossed their buckets aside.

Next on the agenda was some lovely milkshakes from the fast food place down the road. There were four kids, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and banana. Michaela and Carmel were allowed to choose two flavours each. Carmel chose chocolate and banana. Carmel chose vanilla and strawberry. They each picked up the gigantic, supersized drinks containers containing the milkshakes. They were the size of cinema drinks. They both popped off the tops, with the connected straws and threw them aside, revealing the double thick shakes within. “Ladies, you might want to prepare yourselves,” the host said,” This is probably going to be very cold.” Mercedes and Jacqui were already sat dripping in sloppy mess as their sisters approached them once again. Carmel and Michaela showed their sisters the shakes first. They teased them with them. They then stood behind them, a shake in each hand. They stood silently because they did not want their sisters to know when the onslaught was about to hit them. Mercedes looked around in all directions. Jacqui tried to tilt her head forward and bury her head in her hands. She could not hold the position forever though. When the time was right Carmel and Michaela signalled one another. They started to pour the shakes onto their sisters. When Carmel poured the shakes on Jacqui, the first bit fell on her back. The shake was so cold that caused Jacqui to involuntarily swing her head back. When this happened, Carmel poured the ice cold thick shakes straight into Jacqui’s face. She screamed and jumped. She closed her eyes and gave a pained look. Michaela poured both shakes at one down onto Mercedes face and down her body, all down her breasts and stomach, down to her legs. Mercedes squealed as well. The pink and white coldness fell onto her hot tanned skin. Mercedes used her fingers and rubbed her belly as the shakes made two trails down her body. Her nipples were now hard as rock from the coldness as well as the thrill. The icecream shakes melted down her hot flesh. She had goosebumps all over body now.

Finally, Michaela and Carmel were each given a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard. They each grabbed one in either hand. They laughed and gave each other a hi five once again. They then took their places stood behind Mercedes and Jacqui. The crowd was encouraged to count down from three. Three… two…one everyone counted. Mercedes and Jacqui screwed up their faces as they waited for the condiments to come down on them. Carmel and Michaela threw caution to the wind now and just really let themselves go wild. They wildly squeezed the yellow and red substances in all directions over Mercedes and Jacqui. Ketchup poured across Mercedes’ face. Mustard was squeezed up Jacqui’s knickers and up her stomach. Michaela criss crossed her arms pouring both condiments all over Mercedes. She coated her body in the red and yellow mess. Carmel sprayed mustard down the front of Jacqui’s face and then poured ketchup down her back. Ketchup covered Mercedes’ breasts. Mustard was poured on top of Jacqui’s head. When the bottles were emptied, the two sisters were left with thick red and yellow mess all over their bodies. Finally, Michaela and Jacqui were given jars of pickled relish, which they dumped onto their respective sisters heads. Michaela and Carmel shook hands and celebrated their work, pointing and laughing at their filthy sisters.

The host came over,” So ladies, we hope you enjoy your holiday,” he said,” We hope you enjoyed what just happened as well.” “That was great,” Michaela said,” It was good fun. Those two deserved it as well. Sorry girls,” she said jokingly. “That was a lot of fun. I hope they are not too mad at us,” Carmel said. “So, Jacqui and Mercedes. What can we say. You didn’t win and you had to pay the consequences,” the host said. “Yeah, they really got us good,” Mercedes said, wiping a stream of ketchup from her forehead. “ I can’t believe they did that to us. It’s well embarrassing. I wish we could have done it to them.” “And Jacqui?,” the host said. Jacqui gave an angry look. She looked well and truly annoyed. “I’ll get them back for this, if it is the last thing that I do. Carmel especially. They enjoyed doing that just a little too much. I am filthy. I hope they get a really bad sunburn on that holiday now,” Jacqui laughed.

The host threw the show to commercial break while Jacqui and Mercedes were removed from the stage. Jacqui and Mercedes were not really mad. They knew that this could happen all along. It was a bit embarrassing, but they were actually glad that they appeared on the show. If anyone ever teased Mercedes about what happened she would always reply. “I bet you loved seeing me covered with gunge, all over my body.” She actually had been a bit turned on by the whole thing. She was a bit of sex addict and an exhibitionist anyway. No one except her closest friends and family dared to tease Jacqui about it. In the end, the McQueens told everyone that they would be on television and encouraged everyone to watch the show. In the end, the two had not really minded the mess that much and were more than happy with their experience on the show.

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