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So many Books to choose from....

Well hello strangers it has been a very long time since I have posted or wrote for my blog.  What can I say, life, work, trips, family, weddings took a lot of my free time, but I always try to achieve balance.  So when life gets too busy I will try to take a step back, press re-set and make time for all the things that make me happy and strive for balance.  Therefore, writing and posting fun things on my blog is one of them, so I am back!  
(I encourage you all to do that!)

Today I am going to talk about books!  I love books and have an amazing waiting list:

As you can see there is a mixture of things.  I am currently finishing up Revolutionary Road. This book to me is incredible because it was written in the 60's, but the issues and themes within the book regarding marriage and married life I feel are subject matter that is present today.  

I always try to mix up my subject matter of reading options from book-to-book.  Therefore Revolutionary Road was realism life based book, I think my next read may be Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.

Stay tuned for my "book report" for Revolutionary Road.  

Always Smile :)  - Sand

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