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skin care review : holika holika Bulgarian rose pearly blossom cream

As i wrote in my previouse post before, there is one item left from my holika holika bulgarian rose set, which is the cream. Lucky me, with the same price, i got the special set ;
This special set contains the fulls size jar of holika holika bulgarian rose cream and small bottle-20 ml of toner (skin) and emulsion.
oh. the one in the middle is a plastic spatula for the cream
it is always nice to get travel-size products as free gift. for now i will just keep them, and will take them with me next time i go travel somewhere

well, now.. it is time for the cream..
it comes in this heavy glass jar. nice and pretty jar, but still, i wish it comes in a pump bottle.
ok, this is how the cream looks like. cute pinky-girly colour.
the plastic spatula to get the cream out for more hygienic purpose i guess, so you don't have to dip your finger in and out. but still, how to keep the spatula free from germs? hehe.. wash it and sterilize everyday? oh come on.. just put it in the pump bottle!
scoop the product out.. opppss... this one is too much for the entire face actually..
anyway.. this is what i thought..

the scent :
it smells like the emulsion.. sweet creamy rose water  and rose syrup.. the scent of the cream is a little bit stronger than the emulsion
the texture :
creamy.. but not too thick. just right texture for me. and there is this sparkling glitter in the cream.. i didn't notice at first, but when i look closer, oh.. what is this shiny stuff? well, when i read the packaging again, it's written there : "pearly blossom" oh.. of course... it is pearly...
this is the cream :
can you see the glitter-pearly shine? it is hard to see.
how about this? i spread the cream not to finally absorb and took a picture with flash.. can you see those tiny shiny glitter?
anyway, once it's applied on my face, it didn't really show unless i stand up in front of mirror really close.

the performance :
it is very riiiiccchhhhh!!! the emulsion is rich enough for me and this one is even richer. it is only for night use only i guess, because i think if you use this for a day your face would be oily. so for me it is a night cream. the good thing about this of course, the extra moisturizer i got. it kept my face hydrated all night. once i applied this at night, but then i didn't sleep straightaway and sat with my husband watching football game. After the game finished, like 2 hours later, i noticed that my face (specially nose and chin area) soo oily. not oily kin when you are in humid wheater, but kind of oily like it was from the product. it was late at night, winter, how could my face be oily? but for me, it is a good thing i guess, because normally in winter i got thid dry flaky-skin, so not nice, and somehow maybe the cream protected my skin from beeing dry. so my conclusion is, recommended only for night, winter, and dry skin. not for humid weather, summer, oily skin.

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