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Flash Favorite: Femme Couture Lip Lusters

I finally figured out a way to get these reviews out of products that don't merit a full review, but are items that I'm enjoying using! So here's a new series: Flash Favorites.

I found these Lip Lusters at Sally's earlier this week, on clearance for $3.99. Their normal price is $5.99. It seemed like the store had a lot of holiday items on sale (I also nabbed some Ardell rhinestone lashes for $1.99) so I'm assuming that these were from some kind of limited edition collection.

What caught my eye about these were the flakies. The top one reminded me of Mac Club and the bottom was like those Finger Paints polishes that everyone is after. The top brownish one is named Sahara Rose and the bottom one is Angel Kisses.

Uuuuuugh, so pretty, right? I love Angel Kisses. These glosses are quite thin, akin to the NYX Mega Shine glosses, but have an amazing creme brulee/custard scent (no taste). They're really slick initially but once they dry down, they stick around for 3-4 hours. I can't wait to try Sahara Rose over a red lipstick.

You can just barely catch the hint of orange flakies on the right corner of the picture. I can't find much other info on this brand -- they don't even have a website and Sally's seems to be the only retailer, BUT these colors (including the clearance ones) are available on Sally's website here.

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